Dear Friends and Clients,

Lots of great information to keep you and your animals safe and healthy with the change of seasons.


If you haven’t already, it’s a great time to get all your horse blankets washed and sprayed with silicone spray to insure they are waterproof for the wet season. We have a washing machine with no agitator so they wash easily and we hang them out to dry. Once they are dry, we put them across ladders and spray them with waterproofing. Even though they are nylon and should be waterproof already, we make sure they get an extra coating, especially with the weird, really wet winter we had last year. I have old and infirm horses so they need the blankets. Many horses don’t.


Even though our new puppies will probably go outside to the small backyard whenever they want due to our doggie door, when we are going to stay out on the acreage for longer periods to take care of the horses, we will put waterproof coats on them. We’re not worried about them getting cold. It just makes drying them off when they come in a lot easier. I suggest this for any breeds whose coats can hold a substantial amount of moisture. I will probably need a tarp for the bed for when they get the zoomies.


I am a firm believer that we stay connected to our loved ones, both human and animal through many lifetimes. This is physics. You cannot destroy energy (souls, spirits) but it can be changed. We recently got two puppies – one is 17 months and the other is 7 months. It is interesting to watch them change and without any encouragement from us, they are taking on traits of the dogs we have lost. The amazing thing is how much joy they bring with their silly antics. I have only had old dogs (teenagers) for the past three to five years so this craziness is wonderful. It really heals your heart. My wonderful friend Ranelle who helped us get these dogs told both of them, “You have hit the lottery.” I think we have.


I will only do lost cat readings on indoor cats that have escaped. The reason is that if I help find the cat and get it back home, the owners will just let it out again. Building a cat house or catio is the solution. These are just a few of the things that can befall a cat that gets let out: being hit by a car, being stolen, getting lost, death caused by cats, dogs, skunks, coyotes, foxes, bears, raccoons, rain, snow, very hot or very cold weather, being mistreated or abused by strangers, getting shot, FIV, FELV, FIP, infections, sickness, disease, injuries, animal traps, rat poison, antifreeze, rock salt, fleas, ticks, worms, getting their collar caught, ringworm. I should add being picked up by predatory birds as I have clients that this has happened to.


Many professional, even TV mediums do not understand the physics of this work. Once a soul has left a physical body behind, all of their negativity (pain, suffering, unfinished business, regrets, anger, lack of forgiveness, etc.) gets left behind in the Earthly realm. It is not a vibrational match to Source/God so it cannot go with them to the other side. But, it looks like, feels like and seems like the deceased so mediums who do not have discernment, can share information from this shed-off negative garbage as if it is coming from the deceased. When they do this, they are dumpster diving. You will NEVER get anything negative from an animal or human on the other side. Please remember this. And they just love us. They cannot help us either because they cannot perceive anything negative in the Earthly realm. They do not become our guardian angels or Guides either.


I can’t share this enough. We are 99% energy and only 1% physical yet all of allopathic medicine is focused on the 1%. If you are suffering from a disease or condition, please, please get the instructions and do energy healing on yourself. You have to process out and let go of the stuck negative emotions that cause dis-ease but you will feel so much better once you do. E mail me for the instructions if you need them. Love and Light, Terri Jay Cowgirl Shaman

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