Dear Friends and Clients,


I have made the decision to reverse the increase in my fees due to many, many complaints. I am so sorry that things are so bad for so many that even a 5- or 10-dollar difference has prevented you from booking an appointment for a reading. My heart breaks that things are so dire for so many. So, I will take the hit and absorb all of the increases in fees that I am shouldering. My web page has already been changed to reflect the old amounts of $50/$90. I wish for abundance for all of you.


You all know my opinion on leaving cats outside but there are many reasons why this is the only option for many. If you build any kind of cat house enclosures for outdoor cats, DO NOT USE ANY FABRIC LIKE BLANKETS. Only use straw. The reason is that the blankets can become wet and then the cats freeze to them and die. You can always get straw at your local feed store. It is absorbent and keeps the cats warm and dry.


Please remember that predators become hungrier this time of year and will catch and eat anything that doesn’t move fast enough. They can also scale 8-foot concrete block fences. They will take small dogs, cats and even birds. They have been known to kill dogs to eliminate perceived competition. If your dogs go off leash on trails, make sure they have an iron-clad recall. One coyote will get the dog to chase it and then the pack will jump it. You can install coyote rollers which are PVC pipes installed on a cable with a large diameter pipe over a smaller diameter pipe which is strung on the cable. They can’t get a grip to get over the fence. Installing several strands of wide electric tape which is attached to a solar charger at the top and bottom of the fence works good too.


One of my books makes a great gift for the intuitively curious on your list. The first book, “The Cowgirl Shaman Way – Seven Easy Steps to Develop Your Intuitive Ability,” teaches you how to do everything that I do. The second book, “Intuitive Communication – Communicating with People That Cannot,” is specialized for medical personnel, first responders and care givers. The third book is great for anyone who is grieving. “The Physics of Mediumship,” teaches you how to learn to communicate with both people and pets who have passed. It can really bring peace to those who are grieving by dispelling the myths of what happens when you pass. They are all available on my website and you can get an autographed copy rom me directly.


Gift certificates for half hour or hour readings also make great gifts. I can e mail or snail mail them to you. If you know someone who needs help with horses, pets, grief, relationships, finances, health, or any other challenge, readings can be so valuable at proving clarity, direction and even peace of mind. You can purchase it on my website and then fill out the form as to who it is for and how to deliver it to them.


I work 7 days a week and I will be doing readings throughout the Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year holidays. I am also available for group readings and parties which can be done through Zoom, Facetime or Skype. They are often hilarious and provide incredible, healing results. Contact me by email if you have questions or want to schedule. Cost is based on number of participants.


I am now offering energy healing coaching sessions. It goes hand in hand with being a medical intuitive. I have had many of you request it so I will now provide it. We need an hour, and the cost will be $125. Why suffer with autoimmune diseases, cancer, female issues, etc. when many of these are caused by stuck negative emotions? Remember that we are 99% energy and only 1% physical. Cells respond to emotions and disease is issues in the tissues. Contact me to schedule.


I am not getting paid to endorse this product, but I am blown away by the positive differences in my horses and now me. I have two mares that I was contemplating euthanizing due to laminitis, not caused by diet. After 5 days on the product, both were moving around more and obviously much more comfortable. Then I started taking it. My mobility has increased. My varicose veins are disappearing, and my skin feels less irritated. I am curious to see what is going on inside my body if these obvious changes are happening on the outside. The product is Osteo-Max for horses. Human dose is 1 Tablespoon. A jug of it is about $174 but you can find discounts online. It is chock full of peptides. Email me if you have questions about it..

As always, Love and Light

Terri Jay Cowgirl Shaman

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