Dear Friends and Clients,
FALL SPECIAL – Free eBook with readings until 9/21. For every reading appointment booked until that date, you will receive my first book, “The Cowgirl Shaman Way – Seven Easy Steps to Develop Your Intuitive Ability.” This book can teach you how to do all of the unique readings that I do. There are lots of people who have learned how to do this and are doing it for a living. I make this work as simple as possible because I want everyone to benefit from developing their own innate abilities. Remember, you can now pick your day and time for your reading on my website.
LOWEST RATES FOR COMPLETE READINGS – My rates are some of the lowest in the industry, even though I have been in a TV series and had lots of national and international coverage. I do this so I can serve everyone. There is no limit to the number of subjects in a session. I do not charge $50 per horse like some people do. You can do horses, dogs, cats, people who have passed, pets who have passed, relationships, finances, health, etc. IN ONE READING. My rates are still $50/$90, even though all of the fees that I am charged have gone up substantially. It is an honor to be of service.
MAKING THE LAW OF ATTRACTION WORK – I have worked with a lot of clients who are frustrated with the Law of Attraction. I have found that the biggest reason it doesn’t work for some people is that their thoughts are clear and concise, but their feelings aren’t a match. You can have a great visualization of what you are trying to manifest but your feelings can sabotage it by beliefs that you don’t deserve it, or you will never have it, or you aren’t capable of manifesting it. Working on self-love can make a huge difference. Think of who took your power as a child by telling you that you weren’t good enough, write them a letter, tell them off and then burn the letter while taking your power back by saying, “No one is ever going to treat me like that again!” It is incredibly empowering and can take away the blocks you may have to manifestation.
HEALING HEALTH PROBLEMS – All of the proper diet and exercise programs in the world cannot prevent you from having serious health problems. Please read that again. Too much emphasis is put on diet and exercise which only takes care of the 1% physical body. We have to remember that we are 99% energy. Cells respond to emotions. We only have to think about how we feel physically when we first fall in love versus how we physically feel when we are grieving to know this is true. Disease is issues in the tissues, caused by stuck negative emotions. Energy healing, which releases the stuck negative emotions is simple and you can learn to do it for yourself. It will address the 99% energetic body where disease resides before it becomes physical. I always give away FREE energy healing instructions to anyone who requests them. It has to be sent by e mail so if you want them, please let me know.
GIFT CERTIFICATES – Gift certificates are a great idea for anyone on your upcoming holiday list. I can send them by e mail or snail mail. We all know someone who is grieving and would love to hear from their loved ones on the other side, both human and animal. We all know someone who is stuck or depressed that could use some good Guidance to get unstuck. If you want to purchase a gift certificate, please contact me by e mail so I can take care of it for you since the website requires picking a day and time before payment.
HORSES AND PERFORMANCE ISSUES – I am still surprised that so many horse people do not do regular maintenance on their horses. Or that the modalities that they are using aren’t often enough or aren’t working. Horses are designed by nature to graze and run from predators. They are not designed to do all the crazy fun things that we like to do with them. For the most part, they love their jobs. But they have to be comfortable in order to do them and do them well. They must have regular chiropractic adjustments by either a human chiropractor that has been certified for animals or a veterinarian who has been certified in chiropractic. The faster the horses go and the harder they turn, the more often they need it. But they must also have treatments for soft tissue. I have found that Acuscope and Equiscope are the only modalities that have proven results, and it is the only modality that I recommend. You can find practitioners on Facebook on the Acuscope/Myopulse Practitioners page. If you have a performance issue with your horse, you may want to schedule a reading so we can get to the bottom of the pain.
OLD DOG’S QUALITY OF LIFE – When your dogs start showing signs of age, make sure you are doing everything possible for their comfort and quality of life. Joint supplements can work wonders and when needed, there are great pain meds to add in. Chiropractic is essential for dogs too. Acupuncture is fantastic. I saw some of the greatest improvements with my old dogs with massage from a certified massage therapist. They would cry when they saw she was here and fight to go from the sofa onto the massage table for their turn. Then they slept for about 4 hours afterwards. Their mobility was greatly improved. Don’t just assume they are old and that’s why they have trouble getting up and moving around. Also, your dog does NOT have to have a long walk every day if it has mobility issues. Ask yourself if you are making it worse or better. I see people about dragging their old dogs because it is too painful for the dog to take the same long walks as they age. Use common sense.
As always, love and light
Terri Jay Cowgirl Shaman