Dear Friends and Clients,
BOOKS AND GIFT CERTIFICATES – The holidays are right around the corner and if you can’t think of a gift for the animal lover in your life, horse people, those that are grieving, those with health problems or those who are interested in developing their intuitive abilities, books are only $20. (e books are $9.95) and gift certificates for readings are $50 for a half hour and $90 for an hour. I highly recommend it for people who have lost a loved one, whether pet or human as they always feel lighter when they connect to the ones they have lost. You can order the books through the website, and you can also pay for the reading gift certificates there too. Feel free to call me or e mail me if you need help with it. I can snail mail or e mail the gift certificates. I have a small stash of books at my office if you need it in a hurry as Amazon can take weeks sometimes.
PRIVATE TRAINING – There are packages for private training on my website so that you can develop the innate intuitive abilities you were born with. I also suggest getting the first book, “The Cowgirl Shaman Way – Seven Easy Steps to Develop Your Intuitive Ability” and then booking regular reading appointments for coaching on how to use your abilities. This is the least costly way to develop your abilities. Other packages are more comprehensive and go for hours. We do this training on Skype or Facetime. I will have you doing readings on my critters and deceased loved ones in a short period of time. It’s truly amazing. Contact me to set up the training. I also include all three books now.
LOCAL INTERNSHIPS AVAILABLE – We are gearing up for the YouTube show and we are looking for several people to help with the project. This would be in the Carson Valley area as you need to be present to help and it will be part-time for a while and eventually full-time. These would be learn-as-you-go positions with the potential for profit sharing in the near future. We need a Videographer, Video Editor and Social Media Manager. I firmly believe this will take off like a rocket once we can get the public interested. We will have opportunities for sponsorships and advertising. Spirituality, animal communication, horse whispering, using intuitive abilities, and mediumship are all very much in demand now. Scheduling can be flexible. Please forward your interest and experiences to my e mail at [email protected]
DENTAL CARE – This has come up several times in the last few weeks, so I wanted to remind people to take care of your own teeth and be sure to take care of your pets’ teeth. Poor dental care can lead to gum disease and gum disease can lead to heart problems. This can be serious. Horses need their teeth checked and floated once or twice a year. Dogs and cats need their teeth cleaned as often as necessary. Be sure to pull back their cheeks so you can see the molars in the back to check for tartar. Humans need their teeth cleaned every 6 months. For humans, there are discount dental plans that are inexpensive which can knock hundreds of dollars off your bill. Again, it can lead to heart conditions so don’t neglect anyone’s dental health.
HOW I DO READINGS – I get asked often how I am able to do readings of all types for people and animals. This is not woo-woo stuff. It is absolutely based in physics – energy, frequency and vibration. We can all raise our own vibration to receive information from the Universe. It’s a matter of unconditional love. I love myself, the Universe, Source and my clients. When I can feel and channel this love, it is the most powerful energy in the Universe, and it is as if I am plugged in to whatever the Universe wants to share. We can all do this work. Sometimes I feel like a Pez dispenser where I get hit in the back of the head energetically and the information flies out of my mouth. I love it! I still think my show should be called, “I can’t make this stuff up.” It’s way too specific and detailed. I am just a good listener. I am honored to be of service.
As always, love and light!
Terri Jay Cowgirl Shaman