Dear Friends and Clients,

NEW YEAR GOALS – I’m not a fan of resolutions. I would rather encourage all of you to set reasonable goals – daily, weekly, monthly and yearly. Give yourself credit when you achieve a goal. Writing your goals down can make you much more likely to achieve them. Check them off when you have accomplished them. Start small and then build on your success. Get help when you are stuck or lose motivation. I’m here if you need help with this.

DANGER FOR SMALL PETS – For the next few months, it is coyote mating season. Let’s face it, they are all over the U.S. Don’t let your cats out ever. I have many clients that have barn cats and the loss there is understandable but still heartbreaking. Build them a Catio or cat house so they can be outside safely. Small dogs will run up to coyotes thinking they are dogs to play with and get snatched in an instant. Do not let small dogs out off leash. Do not use retractable leashes ever anyway. They are a danger to humans and dogs alike. Even with big dogs, a single coyote will try to get the dog to chase it and will lead it right to where the pack is waiting to kill it. Be very careful with dogs off leash.

DISASTER PREPARDNESS – With the disasters we have had going on, it is never too soon to give thought to what you would do in a disaster. Being prepared can save lives and also save treasured possessions. Most things can be replaced but sentimental things, photos and videos that have not been scanned in and saved to the Cloud cannot be replaced. Make sure your computers are backed to the Cloud or other data saving service. Important documents should be in a fire and flood safe storage container and or in a safety deposit box. If you had 10 minutes to evacuate, what would you take with you?  Make sure your insurance will cover any losses. If you have a business, it is a good idea to have business insurance that will cover you if the business can’t function or is a total loss. We all have videos on our phones so taking a video of your home, its contents and your business and its contents is a great way to prove your losses should you have any. There are services that do this for a fee too.

FACEBOOK ARTICLE ON STARTING HORSES TOO YOUNG – I have been blown away by information that has shown up on Facebook lately. There is an article by R D Dressage which addresses “Why so much so young?” This talks about how we are asking way too much of our young horses and how damaging it is to them physically, mentally and emotionally. It goes into detail about the maturation rates of horses and that many of us succumb to the adage of “Well, we’ve been doing it this way for years so why should we change now?” I firmly believe the ages for futurities should be increased so babies aren’t rushed. We’re seeing a huge increase in kissing spine (maybe because we now know to look for it.) Six-, seven- and eight-year-old horses are having to be retired because of arthritis. Something needs to change.

FACEBOOK ARTICLE ABOUT ANEURYSM’S CAUSED BY WORMS – This is another article that shocked me. If you have a horse with a roached back, pay attention and get them evaluated right away. Also, if they have unexplained lameness in the hind end, same thing. The article is by Tom Mayes who is an equine osteopath. The website is He goes into great detail to explain how larval migration can cause verminous aneurysms (I hope I spelled that right) and as we know, aneurysms can just rupture at any time and the horse bleeds to death internally. I’m sure we all keep our equines on a regular deworming schedule, but we may not be doing enough. In some readings, I do get that a horse has a load of encysted large strongyles, and I always let you know if I get this. There is a protocol that Tom specifies in the articles on how to treat it with a Panacure Power Pack and more.

LIFE WITH GHOSTS – I am posting about this again because it is so important. This is a new film which explores the healing power of communication with those we have lost. IT HAS PROVEN TO BE HEALING TO DO THIS COMMUNICATION. You all know I do not like or use the word “Ghost” as I want to clarify what we are communicating with. Physics explains it. When we leave behind the 1% physical form, we return to being pure, positive energy. All of the negative energy, pain, suffering, bad memories, etc. gets left behind in the Earthly realm. Since it looks like, feels like and seems like the deceased, many mediums share information from this negative energy garbage as if it is how the deceased is. We must have discernment, meaning we can tell the difference between positive and negative energy. We must only tap into the positive energy. My preferred words are “non-physical energy being.” I can help in two ways. I can either do a reading to connect to your loved ones or I can teach you how to do it for yourself. My book, “The Physics of Mediumship” can teach you how and it is available on my website.

As always, it is an honor to be of service.
Love and Light, Terri Jay Cowgirl Shaman

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